Kathmandu. NIC Asia Bank Limited has launched an online portal with the aim of providing detailed information regarding the auction sale of banking assets, non-banking assets in the name of the bank and assets under collateral security. Through this online portal launched by the bank, detailed information about all types of information related to the assets being auctioned by the bank has been included.
For this, customers can scan the QR code on the published notice regarding the auction sale and enter the lot number of the assets being auctioned in the portal https://auctionassistance.nicasiabank.com And you will be able to get various information including details including area, photos, maps and Google Maps to identify the location of the property.
Thus, if the customers need to get more information about the property they want to purchase after viewing the complete details of the property put up for auction, the bank has made arrangements to send a message with their full name, email address, mobile number, contact address in the message box available in the same property details.
Since the online portal launched by the bank regularly publishes banking properties, non-banking properties and properties under auction sale with collateral security in the bank and other information related to auction sale, interested customers can visit the link of the online portal The bank believes that you can benefit from detailed information and details from https://auctionassistance.nicasiab”nl.66m.