Kathmandu. The month of Chaitra has started today. The month of Chaitra has 31 days.
If there are no other public holidays in Chaitra, there are also 5 Saturdays. Insurance companies, banks, and government and public bodies will be closed for 5 days on Saturdays (2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd and 30th). Therefore, insurance companies, banks, and government and public bodies will be open for 26 days in Chaitra.
The stock market will be closed for 10 days in Chaitra and open for 21 days. The stock market will be closed for 5 days on Saturdays and 5 days on Fridays (1st, 8th, 5th and 22nd). Even though other sectors are open, there is no stock trading on Friday.
Chait 16 is Ghode Jatra (Valley holiday) and Chaite Dashain is on 23. However, the festival falls on Saturday.