Kathmandu. The last day to apply for the FPO by Swarojgar Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha is today, Falgun 21.
The organization has issued the FPO since Falgun 18. Applications can be made for this FPO until banking hours today.
The organization has issued 195,773 shares of Rs 100 each, equivalent to Rs 195,777,300. Applications can be made for a minimum of 10 units and a maximum of 1,000 units in the microfinance FPO.
According to the data of CDSC till Tuesday evening, 1,504,455 applicants have applied for 18,937,160 units of shares in the institution’s FPO. Which is 96.73 times more than the demand.
Due to the higher number of applications than the demand, this FPO will be distributed through a lottery. In which 19,577 lucky people will get shares at the rate of 10 units, while 3 of those lucky people will get an additional 1 share each.
Investors can apply through the C-ASBA system from all C-ASBA member banks and financial institutions and CDSCs approved by the Nepal Securities Board through the ‘Mero Share’. The organization’s FPO sale manager is NMB Capital.
In the rating conducted for the FPO issuance, credit rating company ICRA Nepal has assigned the organization an ICRP Issuer Rating of Double B Minus. This indicates that there is a moderate risk to the organization’s ability to meet its financial obligations.
Currently, the paid-up capital of Swarojgar is Rs. 671.1 million 4,993. After the FPO sale, the organization’s paid-up capital will reach Rs. 696.82 million 293.