Kathmandu. Ngadi Group Power Limited is selling unallocated right shares from today, Falgun 20. The company is going to sell the unallocated right shares issued and sold in a ratio of 1:1 from last Poush 23 to Magh 29 through an auction process.
The company is going to sell 873 thousand 61.225 units of unallocated right shares of the general group. Investors interested in purchasing these shares will have to submit bids by Falgun 28.
The minimum price of the share has been fixed at Rs. 100. Investors will have to submit a sealed bid stating that or a higher price. While submitting the bid, the minimum application should be for 100 units, and for more than that, the number divisible by 10 or a maximum of all units can be applied for.
The company’s securities issuance and sale manager is Siddhartha Capital Limited. Investors can obtain and submit the bid application form from Siddhartha Capital as well as Siddhartha Bank’s Biratnagar, Birtamod, Birgunj, Janakpur, Hetauda, Narayangadh, Pokhara, Baglung, Butwal, Ghorahi, Nepalgunj, Surkhet, Dhangadhi and Mahendranagar branch offices.