Kathmandu. There is a high potential for orthodox tea cultivation in the eastern hills of Nepal. The study shows that since there is a lot of cultivable land, orthodox tea cultivation can be expanded.
A study report on Koshi Province prepared by Nepal Rastra Bank’s Biratnagar office has shown that there is a high potential for orthodox tea cultivation. The report points out that since the demand for orthodox tea is high in the international market, it is possible to earn more foreign exchange by increasing exports by producing organic and quality tea.
According to the study, since Nepali tea gardens are young compared to tea gardens in other tea-producing countries, there is a possibility of producing relatively quality tea.
The report states that the natural beauty of the tea-producing areas and the warm hospitality of the locals can develop tea gardens as tea tourism, that increasing public awareness about orthodox tea can expand the domestic market for orthodox tea, and that expanding tea cultivation can increase employment since the orthodox tea industry is labor-intensive.
In Nepal The report states that as the Orthodox tea produced participates in various international tea festivals and achieves excellence, the demand for Nepali Orthodox tea in the international sector will increase in the coming days.