Kathmandu. Today is the last day to secure the dividend of Nepal Insurance Company Limited. The company is closing its books tomorrow, i.e. Chaitra 7, for the purpose of the general meeting and dividend distribution. Accordingly, shareholders who have traded on the NEPSE till today will be able to participate in the general meeting of the insurance and receive the dividend distributed by the insurance.
The company is going to hold its 76th annual general meeting on Chaitra 19, Tuesday. The meeting will begin at 11 am at Nepal Pragya Pratishthan Kamaladi, Kathmandu. The meeting will pass a special resolution to distribute bonus shares at the rate of 15 percent of the current paid-up capital and a cash dividend of 0.79 percent for tax purposes.
The meeting will discuss and pass the annual report of the Board of Directors for the fiscal year 2080/81, the balance sheet, profit and loss account and cash flow statement along with the auditor’s report for the fiscal year 2080/81, and the related schedules.
The meeting will appoint an auditor as per the recommendation of the Audit Committee to audit the company for the fiscal year 2081/82 and fix his/her remuneration. (The current auditor will be reappointed.
The special general meeting of the company held on 2081/02/04, after issuing 40 percent of the company’s current paid-up capital, i.e. 4 shares for every 10 shares (the percentage of right shares may be reviewed according to the paid-up capital after issuing bonus shares) and the financial year 2080/81, after issuing bonus shares, the company’s issued and paid-up capital will reach Rs. 2.94 billion, and accordingly, the company will pass a proposal to amend the provisions of Section 5 (b) and (c) of the company’s articles of association.
The meeting will approve the expenses incurred by the company under corporate social responsibility, the body recording the amended articles of association and regulations or any other body or regulatory body. If instructions are received to make changes, a proposal will be made to authorize the Board of Directors to do so accordingly.