IME Life New

The 7th Annual General Meeting of Women’s Microfinance Association concluded

Global College
Nepal Life

Kathmandu. The seventh annual general meeting of Mahila Laghubitta Bittiya Sanstha Limited was held today at Anmol Catering Service Shankhamul, Kathmandu.

The general meeting, chaired by Tara Kunwar, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the company, discussed and passed the report for the fiscal year 2080/81, the balance sheet up to the end of Ashadh 2081, including the auditor’s report, and the profit and loss account and cash flow statement for the fiscal year 2080/81 ending on the same date.


In accordance with Section 63, Section 111 of the Banks and Financial Institutions Act 2073, an external auditor will be appointed for the fiscal year 2081/82 as per the recommendation of the Audit Committee and his remuneration will be fixed. and facilities.

Similarly, the meeting has also passed a special resolution to amend Rule 32 (c) of the Rules and Regulations and to appoint a recognized appraiser to evaluate the movable and immovable assets and liabilities and transactions of this financial institution in order to proceed with the merger, acquisition and purchase process of other licensed “D” category microfinance institutions and to determine their remuneration and to grant full authority to the Board of Directors or the person designated by the Board to formulate a memorandum of understanding related to the merger/merger, acquisition and purchase and to complete all necessary procedures in this regard.

The Chief Executive Officer of the institution has also passed a special resolution to amend Rule 32 (c) of the Rules and Regulations and to appoint a recognized appraiser to evaluate the movable and immovable assets and liabilities of this financial institution and to determine his remuneration and to provide full authority to the Board of Directors or the person designated by the board to formulate a memorandum of understanding related to the merger/merger, acquisition and purchase and to complete all necessary procedures in this regard. Krishna Prasad Neupane replied that the company’s directors and management have moved forward to provide high returns to the shareholders in the future. Similarly, Honorable MP Julie Kumari Mahato expressed her best wishes to the meeting, wishing the organization’s progress and progress.

The chief guest of the meeting, Tulsi Thapa, suggested that the Women’s Rights and Development Center and the Women’s Microfinance Institution should collaborate with each other to take the organization forward in the future. There was a large attendance of shareholders in the meeting.

Sanima Reliance
Maruti Cements

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