IME Life New

Sanima Reliance Life’s AGM tomorrow, until when will those who buy shares receive dividends?

Global College
Nepal Life

Kathmandu. Sanima Reliance Life Insurance is holding its eighth annual general meeting tomorrow, Chaitra 8. The meeting will begin at 11 am at Anmol Banquet in New Baneshwor Shankhamul, Kathmandu.

The meeting will approve a total dividend of 9.2489 percent of the current paid-up capital proposed for the fiscal year 2080.81. This includes 1.2489 percent bonus shares and 8 percent cash dividend (including tax).


The meeting will pass a special resolution to maintain the authorized capital of the company at 5.2 billion rupees. After the bonus share distribution, the company’s issued and paid-up capital will reach Rs 5.149 billion 24 thousand 56, so the meeting will also approve another special proposal to amend the memorandum of association and regulations accordingly.

The meeting will pass a proposal to amend the memorandum of association and regulations by changing the registered office of the company from New Baneshwor, Kathmandu, to Naxal. The meeting will approve the annual and auditor’s reports for the fiscal year 2080.81 and approve the proposal regarding the appointment of the auditor and the determination of his remuneration for the current fiscal year 2081.82.

The meeting will pass a special resolution giving full authority to the Board of Directors to amend or change any matter if any instructions are received from the regulatory body during the approval of the resolution passed in the meeting.

The company closed its books for one day on Falgun 26 for the purpose of the general meeting and dividend distribution. Accordingly, shareholders who have traded on the Nepal Stock Exchange (NEPSE) until Falgun 25 will be able to participate in the general meeting of the insurance company and receive the dividends distributed by the insurance company.


Sanima Reliance
Maruti Cements

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