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NPcert and CSRI Nepal focus on making e-Governance Blueprint more effective and secure

Global College
Nepal Life

Kathmandu. The Information Security Response Team Nepal (NPSERT) and the Center for Cybersecurity Research and Innovation (CSRI) Nepal have provided important suggestions to make the Government of Nepal’s e-Governance Blueprint 2081 more effective and secure. These two organizations have put forward their views and opinions to make the e-Governance Blueprint more inclusive, effective and future-oriented.

The e-Governance Board under the Prime Minister’s Office had brought a draft of the e-Governance Blueprint with a strategy to increase economic transparency and competitiveness through e-governance. While providing suggestions on behalf of stakeholders, CSRI Nepal and NPCERT have raised the issue of strengthening institutional structures and focusing on cybersecurity and risk management.


NPCERT’s emphasis on cybersecurity and risk management

NPCERT emphasizes strengthening institutional structures and improving cybersecurity The NPCERT has emphasized the need to clarify the role of government agencies in providing e-governance services. The NPCERT has emphasized the need to establish a central body on a legal basis for effective monitoring of e-governance programs and to increase coordination between ministries and departments.

The NPCERT has suggested that the e-governance blueprint should be made clearer and more specific and prepared in line with the Digital Nepal Framework.

Also, the NPCERT has mentioned the need to establish a national data center, strengthen a cyber security center, and promote cloud computing. The organization believes that this will strengthen the digital infrastructure and help establish a secure backup system.

Similarly, NPcert has also suggested implementing personal data protection laws and ensuring the security of the digital identity system.

CSRI Nepal urges special attention to ethics and citizen trust in digital services

CSRI Nepal has emphasized the need to pay special attention to the ethical use of digital services and citizen trust. Stating that trust should be maintained between the government and the citizens, CSRI has expressed the view that digital services can play an important role in empowering citizens.

The CSRI has pointed out the need to improve internet and other infrastructure in rural areas and to run digital literacy programs in all seven provinces to bridge the digital divide.

It has also emphasized the need to make the response system secure and transparent by using technologies such as blockchain and artificial intelligence (AI).

It has also suggested that the national penal code and other legal provisions should be updated and that Nepal’s cyber law should be aligned with global cybersecurity practices. .

The CSRI has demanded the establishment of information technology branches in all ministries, collaboration between federal, provincial and local governments in the development of a digital ecosystem, and the responsibility of running academic curricula to universities.

Sanima Reliance
Maruti Cements

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