Kathmandu. Galeshwor Ashram, located in Devghatdham, a famous and holy pilgrimage site in Nepal, has made public the calendar for the year 2082 BS, providing information about all dates, festivals and auspicious times. The Peethadheesh of Galeshwor Dham, Anantashree Vibhushit Mahamandaleshwor Swami Atmananda Giriji Maharaj, unveiled the wall chart at a special program organized at the Gita Temple in Ramghat, Pokhara on Tuesday.
Speaking at the program, Swami Maharaj said that the wall chart has been prepared in a way that even the common man can easily distinguish all the dates, from auspicious events such as Agni, Rudri, marriage, bratabandha, Pasni, as well as auspicious times such as starting/opening a business, building a house, and entering a house.
The wall chart has also been prepared in a way that it can be easily distinguished on which day, which date, what time, and for how long it is valid. The pictures reflecting the glory of the holy pilgrimage site Galeshwar Ashram have been included in the wall mural.
Galeshwar Ashram was founded by Ashtanga Yogasiddha Yogiraj Ishwarananda Brahmachari (Galeshwar Baba) about 6 decades ago. The Veda-Vedang Vidyalaya, which Galeshwar Baba established in 2023 BS to maintain his religion, culture and traditions for eternity, is being operated under the ashram. The ashram also regularly operates a food court to facilitate food and accommodation for the seekers, saints and pilgrims residing in the ashram. The ashram has built comfortable and beautiful Kalpavas keeping in mind the welfare of the homeless and the elderly abandoned by their families.
The ashram is also running a charitable hospital for the health treatment of the seekers and the elderly living in the holy Devghatdham and a guesthouse that can easily accommodate about one thousand people. Free food and accommodation are available in the guesthouse. The hospital has been providing free health check-ups and medicines to the patients. The ashram has also been conducting religious rituals according to the dates regularly.