Kathmandu. The government has planned to expand the scope of health insurance services.
The Ministry of Health and Population has included a plan to expand the scope of health insurance services in the implementation action plan of the Health Insurance Reform Suggestions Task Force Report, 2081. The ministry has stated that the scope of services will be expanded by making a procedure for specialized health services and providing cover of up to Rs 500,000.
According to the action plan, kidney and Alzheimer’s patients will be provided with a cover of Rs 500,000 from next year.
Similarly, the action plan states that arrangements will be made to cover heart patients with Rs 300,000 next year and Rs 50,000 every year thereafter, up to Rs 500,000.
The action plan states that arrangements will be made to cover patients with all other types of severe and complex diseases and chronic diseases with Rs 200,000 next year and Rs 50,000 every year thereafter, up to Rs 500,000.
The responsible body for this work will be the Ministry of Health and the supporting body will be the Government of Nepal (Council of Ministers).
The action plan also mentions that reinsurance will be implemented to manage the amount required for further treatment of patients with serious illnesses. The Ministry of Health and the Council of Ministers will be the supporting body to fulfill the responsibility of implementing this arrangement within 6 months.