Kathmandu. The last date to secure the dividend of Sanima GIC Insurance is today, Chaitra 7.
The company has decided to close its books tomorrow, Chaitra 8, for the purpose of dividend and general meeting. This means that only the shareholders who are in the company till today, Chaitra 7, will be eligible to receive the dividend and participate in the meeting.
The seventh annual general meeting of the company has been called for Chaitra 21. The meeting will begin at 11 am at Amritbhog, Kalikasthan, Kathmandu.
The meeting will approve a total dividend of 7.8947 percent of the current paid-up capital of Rs 2 billion proposed to be distributed for the last fiscal year 2080.81. This includes 7.5 percent bonus shares and 0.3947 cash dividend for tax purposes.
The meeting will pass a special resolution to amend the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association accordingly, as the paid-up capital will increase after the issue of bonus shares. The assembly will also approve another special resolution to amend the 25 percent right shares passed by the sixth annual general meeting and issue them at 17 percent.
The assembly will approve the company’s expenses and approve the proposal to amend the allowances of the chairman and members of the board of directors.
The assembly will approve a special resolution to fully authorize the board of directors to act accordingly if any suggestions or changes are received from the regulatory body while amending the memorandum of association and regulations.
The assembly will approve the annual report and auditor’s report for the previous fiscal year and will pass a resolution regarding the appointment of the auditor and determination of his remuneration for the current fiscal year.