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Discussions with the Ministry of Health and Industry on the budget for the upcoming fiscal year, urging special attention to 5 aspects

Global College
Nepal Life

Kathmandu. The Ministry of Finance has held separate discussions with the Ministry of Health and Population and the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Supplies regarding the budget for the upcoming fiscal year 2082.83.

During the discussions, the Ministry of Finance has requested to prepare and move forward on the programs to be continued, modified, postponed, removed, and new programs for the upcoming budget. In the discussion with the Ministry of Health and Population, Finance Minister Poudel has reviewed the health insurance program, basic hospitals, responsibilities of health institutions, and human resources in the health sector and requested to make programs to make them effective.


Minister of Health and Population Pradeep Poudel said that it is necessary to clarify the role of the state and private sectors in the health sector. He expressed the view that it would be appropriate to implement the insurance program in a long-term manner.

In a discussion with the Ministry of Industry, Finance Minister Poudel urged to address policy issues and create a conducive environment for the industry and trade sector. He said that it is necessary to focus on job creation, increase in production and how to industrialize the country. Industry Minister Damodar Bhandari emphasized the need to implement them by making policy reforms.

National Planning Commission member Dr. Prakash Kumar Shrestha said that the trend of weak implementation capacity and failure to produce results should be improved. The Finance Secretary, Revenue Secretary, Health and Population Secretary, Industry Secretary, and department heads were present in the discussion.

Earlier, the Ministry of Finance had discussed the budget for the upcoming fiscal year with the Ministry of Physical, Urban and Energy.

Sanima Reliance
Maruti Cements

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